Sunday, 19 February 2023

Society is failing you

Society Is Failing You: How They Destroyed A Generation

February 23 2022

Society is failing young men, and the scary part is that the reasons why are unavoidable. They poison your mind from social media and they put you in systems that punish you for exerting masculine behaviours. It's no wonder that most men today are weak. The foods that we eat and the products that we use are destroying our testesterone, so it's no wonder why testesterone rates today are 25% lower than in 1999.

Childhood: Shaping The Mind and suppressing masculinity

From children, men are put into a system that punishes masculine behaviour at a time when boys need to know how how be masculine. You can't speak unless you're told to. You can't work unless you're told to. You can't raise your voice or you'll get punished. It's a prison. We are setting young men up for failure by telling them to shut up and be quiet. The education system is forcing young men to be silent and not to use their voice or act. Leaders are afraid of powerful men.

When you try to suppress masculinity, what happens? Depression and suicide rates go through the roof. If men can't project masculine behaviour because they were taught not to, then they will turn to self-hate and depression. On the other hand, men that are taught how to use their masculinity also know how to deal with emotions safely. Then the education system offers emotional support. But men shouldn't need that. They should be taught how to be stoic, and to "kill the cancer at the root". Instead, we don't solve future emotional problems and we try to effeminate men by making them talk about their problems. If we taught men to be stoic then we wouldn't have these problems.

Teenagers: The Use Of Social Media

Social media is the best way to control people. If you can censor certain content from people then they will only see what you want them to see.

This is a similar situation to when you're a child, your brain is still developing so whatever you get fed, you will take in and subconsciously get shaped by. The loss of God and religion, this mostly affects the west [Western Europe], has caused teenagers to be degenerates and disrespectful. It's sickening. You see on TikTok and Instagram, these girls that are dancing half-naked and vaping. Some of them are underaged. And young men are exposed to that content. A big reason for this is the programming that we are fed. You see Sam Smith in the biggest stages portraying Satan and mocking God, then all of the celebrities doing the devil sign and dancing like degenerates. Whatever is fed to you, you get desensitised by and think that it's normal.

How are you still blind to this? If most celebrities are openly mocking God then surely that means that they want to divert you away from God. Otherwise, Why? What's the point of the checkerboards, the devil signs, the mock? Unfortunately, most teenagers are exposed to it, and think that it is normal and good behaviour.

Other social media apps like Snapchat. Why would an app, designed for teenagers, have the feature of disappearing messages? Are you not afraid of this? The fact that we are promoting degeneracy onto our kids?

Cancel Culture: Keeping Control

When the social media mob see something they dislike, they go to war to deplatform the user. Fine, if the content is legitimately harmful and actually asks for harm. Then I agree, remove the content. But otherwise, we are just trying to silence people. This isn't meant to protect anyone, but silencing people is another way that they are keeping you in control. Opinions that don't incite violence on someone or a group of people should not be silenced.

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